Workplace policy

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BERRING Hybrid work

Berring Group AB  (“the Company”) supports flexible and hybrid work practices that assist staff to balance their work and personal lives. Remote working / working from home is an initiative that allows greater flexibility and balance between work and personal needs (such as family or caring responsibilities).

In certain circumstances it may also be necessary for the Company to request or require you to work remotely or from home. The Company may also request or require you to work from the office in some circumstances.

The purpose of this policy is to outline how employees may apply for permission to work in a ‘hybrid’ manner (i.e. both from the office and from home) and the conditions they must abide by when performing work in this way.

In so far as this policy imposes any obligations on the Company (i.e. those additional to those set out under legislation), those obligations are not contractual and do not give rise to any contractual rights. To the extent that this policy describes benefits and entitlements for employees (i.e. those additional to those set out under legislation), they are discretionary in nature and are also not intended to be contractual. The terms and conditions of employment that are intended to be contractual are set out in an employee’s written employment contract.

The Company may unilaterally introduce, vary, remove or replace this policy at any time.


All requests to work in a hybrid manner must be made in writing to your manager. The request should include:

  • Why you would like to work in a hybrid manner;
  • The details of the arrangement, for example the days / hours / locations you would like to perform work; and
  • Whether the requested arrangement is on a temporary or ongoing basis, and if on a temporary basis, how long the arrangement will continue for your request has been considered by your manager (and/or any other appropriate person), whether the request has been approved or denied will be communicated to you in writing.



When a request to work both remotely and in office is approved, an employee may be required to enter into a written Hybrid Working Agreement, this will generally specify:

  • Whether the arrangements are on a temporary or ongoing basis, and if on a temporary basis how; long the arrangement will continue for;
  • The main location the employee will work from (e.g. from the employee’s home);
  • The days / hours / occasions that the employee will perform work;
  • Arrangements for how and when the employee will be contactable (e.g. they must be available to respond to mobile telephone calls and work emails within their normal work hours);
  • All relevant workplace health and safety requirements relevant to the arrangement;
  • What equipment the Company will provide for the arrangement (if any);
  • Any expenses the Company will reimburse the employee for in respect of the arrangement (eg equipment);
  • Any other relevant terms.

The Company reserves the right to suspend or terminate a Hybrid Working Agreement at any point for operational or any other reasons.


Employees working remotely and onsite remain subject to relevant Company policies and procedures. Employees working remotely or from home are responsible for maintaining a safe work environment.

Both the Company and the employee should agree on the primary place of work. If you decide to work from your non-primary place of work, it is your responsibility to let your direct manager know.

Employees should ensure that when they work from home or remotely that they are available to be contacted throughout the work day, except for authorized breaks. If an employee will be for some reason uncontactable they should inform their manager in advance.

Employees are required to work their usual work pattern when working remotely or from home. Such a working arrangement does not permit the employee to have any greater flexibility regarding their hours of work (unless such an arrangement has been approved by the Company).

The Company may require the employee to attend the Company’s premises (or any other location) at its discretion – for example, for meetings, training, etc.



Where an employee uses a personal computer when working remotely or from home the employee must ensure the security of the Company’s information by taking measures including:

  • Having appropriate licenses for the software applications on computer;
  • Having adequate virus and firewall protection; and
  • Ensuring the physical security of the computer (e.g. not leaving it unattended or in a position where it is liable to be stolen)


Employees should be aware that the Company does not insure any employee-owned equipment, furniture or other property used when an employee works remotely or from home.


Where an employee is working remotely and the employee becomes ill, the employee must comply with the usual reporting of absence due to illness. Where an employee is injured while working remotely or from home they must report the injury to the Company immediately. The employee should also report any other relevant incidents to the Company immediately (security issues, theft of Company property, etc).


Should an employee request in advance to work from home in accordance with this policy, and subsequently provide a representation that they require absence due to illness or injury, appropriate notice is required in accordance with the Leave Policy.


A breach of this policy may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment.

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